The Fifth Element


The Fifth Element of Jazz is form, and form, in the shape of human form is what excites me in my practice, so my work sets out to conjure up the moods and feelings of Jazz which is unique in Jazz music as musicians try to express emotions through their playing which is exactly what artists strive to do in their work.

The sheet music is taken from my Mother’s collection which for some reason I kept all these years since she died. She loved playing the piano and so finding a use for her jazz music in these paintings was a real joy for me and definitely brings back happy memories!

Smoke & Mirrors

Exhibitions 2024

9 artists collective

I am delighted to be one of the founder members of 9artistscollective, a group who have joined forces to voice visually our thoughts about our beautiful, dynamic and troubled world.

While maintaining our individual identities, we pool resources and knowledge, skills and experience, and support each other in our creative life.  Our aim is to show work through exhibitions which we hope will provoke, challenge and inspire.

We are drawers, painters and ceramists working on paper, clay, canvas (sometimes raw), metal and ‘found objects’ in different mediums in 2 and 3d in sizes from 18 inches to 7 feet

We want a dialogue with an expanding audience and we have been delighted with the response to our work so far and happy have many varied and fascinating conversations with the visitors who came to see us.

It’s a Jungle

24 – 30 June 2024

44AD Gallery, 4, Abbey Street, Bath, BA1 1NN

My Work

About Me

I really wanted to go to art college when I left school back in the 1960’s, but my Father refused to let me go as he feared they were full of long-haired radical anarchists, which was probably true at the time. Thirty years later I got my wish, and I have been trying to make up for lost time ever since.


View my latest original work and prints for sale.


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